This webpage serves as a central hub for all reports and disclosures mandated by The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). These disclosures ensure consistent provision of certain institutional information to prospective and current students, staff, and the public. The content is based on guidelines from the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC). Its purpose is to offer a wide array of information from various campus sources, aiding students, parents, counselors, and others in making informed enrollment decisions at Murray State College. However, it's important to note that while the disclosed information is helpful, it may not encompass all factors influencing enrollment decisions.


Institution Information

Accreditation, Approval, and Licensure of Institution and Programs

Accredited By:

The Higher Learning Commission, a Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

Suite 2400, 30 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60602-2504; (312) 263-0456

Next reaffirmation of accreditation: 2033 - 2034

American Veterinary Medical Association

1931 N. Meacham Road, Suite 100, Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360

(847) 925-8070

Next reaffirmation: 2027

Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326

(404) 975-5000

Next reaffirmation: Spring 2032

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education

Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Murray State College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE),

3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, VA  22305-3085;

telephone: (703) 706-3245;

email:; website:

Next reaffirmation: 2034

Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education

The OTA program at Murray State College is accredited by the ACOTE Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education 

7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD  20814.

ACOTE's contact number c/o AOTA is (301) 652-AOTA 

Web address is

Next reaffirmation: 2029-2030

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

(405) 225-9100

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement- NC SARA

3005 Center Green Drive, Suite 130, Boulder CO 80301


Professional Licensure Disclosures

Does this Program Meet Requirements for Licensure in my State?

Murray State College offers several programs leading to professional licensure within the state of Oklahoma. Licensure requirements may include professional examinations, background checks, finger printing, etc. Students considering an academic program at Murray State College with a goal of licensure in a state other than Oklahoma please note:  You are strongly encouranged to contact the appropriate licensing agency for the state in which you are interested to obtain applicable requirements, rules, and regulations before beginnning a program in Oklahoma.  Licensing board and contact information for each state and program is provided as a reference tool.

Potential change in requirements.

State licensure requirements are subject to change at any time without notice. Students should always check with their state licensing board to confirm licensure requirements. 

State Authorization

Please select the program you are interested in to find state board information and program contact information.


Occupational Therapy Assistant

Physical Therapist Assistant

Veterinary Nursing


Office: 580-387-7314
Cell: 580-371-1140

Police Department Staff

Chief: Kelly Perkinson
Officer: Cosechia Lofton
Officer: Jason Lowe
Officer: Shannon Smith

National Prevention Lifeline

What is sexual assault?

Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary (4th edition) defines it as “the forcible perpetration of an act of sexual contact on the body of another person, male or female, without his or her consent. Legal criteria vary among different communities.”

Sexual Assault can be identified by any of the following:

  1. The victim is under 16 years of age

  2. The victim is incapable through mental illness or any other unsoundness of mind, temporary or permanent, of giving legal consent

  3. Force or violence is used or threatened on the victim or another person

  4. The victim is intoxicated by a chemical substance

  5. The victim is unconscious.

If you have a questions as to whether an act is sexual assault, don’t be afraid to ask someone who knows (lawyer, medical professional, counselor, etc.). There are other means of sexual assault.

If I have been a victim of sexual assault, am I alone?

Seventy-eight rapes occur every hour in America, and attackers are someone the victim knows in 80% of all cases. Sexual assault happens to people of all races, rich and poor, old and young. (YWCA leaflet)

Are my feelings normal?

Even though one in five women are raped during their lives, and even though rape or violence is never the fault of the victim, it is natural and normal to feel a strong sensation of guilt, shame, confusion, disorientation, embarrassment, fear, and even anger after being attacked. No one can tell you how to feel after the assault. Each survivor has a different reaction.

Some of the reactions that occur are:

  • shock (feeling numb)

  • denial (not believing yourself what has happened)

  • discomfort (embarrassment about the assault)

  • fear (fear of being assaulted again, of trusting others)

  • guilt (I should have been able to avoid, predict or prevent this from happening)

  • anger (wondering how this happened, blaming yourself or others).

  • Even though these feelings are natural, they should not be permanent. Talking with friends and family, a trained counselor, or meeting privately with a small caring group who have survived the same things can help resolve these emotions. Never be ashamed to ask for help!

What should I do if I am sexually assaulted?

During the assault:

  • Use sense. Do whatever is necessary to prevent yourself from becoming hurt or killed.

  • If possible, leave evidence at the scene of the crime, such as fingerprints, a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing, or anything else that will confirm your presence at the scene of the crime.

Immediately after the assault:

  • Get to a safe area

  • Call the police

  • Evidence collection is very important in prosecuting the attacker.

In order to preserve evidence:

  • Do not take a shower or use the bathroom

  • Do not clean or throw away your clothing

  • Do not clean, rearrange, or alter the scene of the crime

  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke

  • Agreeing to a rape evidence exam can increase your chance of success if you decide to prosecute.

Take care of your emotional needs, seek out help, and remember it is not your fault! Rape is not about sex, it is about power and control.

What should I do if a friend is sexually assaulted?

  • The most valuable support is to believe the survivor’s experience without question

  • Never blame the survivor, blame rests only on the rapist.

  • Be non-judgmental and supportive in attitude.

  • Respect the survivor’s fear. This fear is real and may stay with the survivor for some time.

  • Being supportive does NOT mean that you have to do something.

  • Listen without making judgments or giving advice. Accept the survivor’s feelings. Do not criticize actions or feelings. Avoid the words “why”, “only” and “just”.

  • Allow your friend to make decisions, even small ones. Do not be overprotective, as this could reinforce the survivor’s feelings of powerlessness.

  • Instead of giving advice, help your friend explore options, and urge your friend to talk to a trusted adult or trained counselor.

  • Anger toward the rapist is normal, but venting extreme rage or making threats of revenge in the survivor’s presence may increase your friend’s fear and will also take more control away from the survivor. Focus your energy on supporting your friend instead.

  • Let the survivor decide who to trust. Do not make that decision for your friend.

  • If your friend does not want to tell anyone else right now, that is your friend’s right. Since the decision to tell others about the assault belongs to your friend, do not pressure them into telling others. Speaking to a trusted adult in the future is still a possibility, so ask your friend to keep someone in mind. Don’t be surprised if the victim makes excuses or protects the rapist. Often times their relationship with the attacker causes mixed emotions about what has happened.

What can we do to prevent sexual assault?

  • Double date. Most rapes or attacks are from a man that the woman is dating, or knows. When you’ve just started dating, go as a group with other friends.. If you do go out alone, agree to meet them some place public, like a mall or movie theater. By arranging your own transportation and avoiding secluded places you have drastically reduced your risks.

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs, on dates especially. No, we’re not just preaching at you. The fact is, young adults who drink and use drugs are three times as likely to be attacked or raped. About 80% of rapes involve alcohol.

  • Don’t leave your drink alone, any type of drink! And, don’t drink something you didn’t open yourself. “Date rape drugs” put in a drink can cause intense drunkenness, difficulty moving and memory loss.

  • Express what you want clearly, set sexual limits in dating relationships about what you want and stick to them. Openly communicating these limits with your partner frequently is also helpful.

  • Always tell someone where you’re going, with whom, and how long you’ll be there.

  • Get away. If you feel uneasy with the a person or think you may be in danger, leave. Trust your intuition and act on it.

    Take emergency money to call parents, friends, police, etc…

  • Be aware of warning signs. Be wary of men who are extremely jealous, angry, violent, or paranoid about the relationship. Also, be careful of men who control what you are allowed to wear, who you are allowed to be friends with, where you can go, or whether you are allowed to make decisions on your own. Abuse, including rape, is based on taking power and control away from you.

  • Have a safety plan, especially if you are attacked by a man who lives with you. Make an escape kit of clothes, money, car keys, I.D., phone coins, and crisis phone numbers. If you are attacked, do not flee to a room with weapons, knives (kitchen), hard surfaces (bathroom), or confined spaces. DO call the police when you are safe. Even if you don’t press charges, you help create a “paper trail” that can protect you in the future.

  • Support individuals who have been mistreated. Rape and violence are traumatic experiences. It is important that we show our willingness to be caring, patient, and gentle.

  • Refuse to use sexist language or humor, and confront people who do. It is not right to use people as objects, either for violence, insulting jokes, or sexual conquest.

Common Sense Rules & Techniques

Murray State College uses the Cellular911 Emergency Notification System, Campus Shield.

Download the APP

Many crimes can be prevented if you:

Trust Your Instincts

If you suspect something is wrong or a situation seems dangerous, you may be right! Don’t dismiss suspicious people, cars, or situations. Report them to the Campus Police immediately. 371-0007 or 371-1140

Avoid Dangerous Situations

Don’t invite trouble. Use your best judgment about where you go and what you do.

Work with Campus Police

Students and Campus Officials working together will help make our campus safer.

Protect Yourself in Campus Housing

  • Lights — leave at least one on.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Be sure to lock your doors.
  • Don’t open the door unless you know who it is, utilize a peep hole.
  • If a repair person shows up at your door, check with the manager before opening the door.

Unwanted Calls

Don’t give out personal information such as your name or address. If you have an answering machine, use it to screen unwanted calls. Notify the Campus Police of any threatening or harassing calls, make note of the time and date or if the caller sounds familiar or is someone you know.


Don’t open your door for people you don’t know. If you feel threatened, please contact the Campus Police for assistance.

Neighborhood Watch

Watch the doors of your neighbors. If you see something suspicious, contact the Campus Police.


If you think someone is inside your home, Don’t go in! Call the Campus Police from a nearby phone.

Protecting Yourself In Your Community

  • Walk with someone you trust.
  • Stay alert to those around you.
  • If you must walk alone, walk confidently.
  • Go in a public place if you need to ask directions.
  • Walk near people.
  • Avoid isolated areas, parks, and parking lots.
  • Shortcuts may save you time, but they may also expose you to danger.

Protect Your Valuables

  • Carry only what you need with you.
  • Carry necessary valuables close to your body. Don’t put them down.
  • Carry a wallet in a front or inside pocket, instead of a purse.
  • If you carry a purse, hold it close to your body.
  • Never leave your purse or wallet inside your vehicle, keep it with you or leave in a secure place.

Being Followed

  • Act suspicious.
  • Turn to look at the person. This gives you time to plan your strategy. It also lets the person know you won’t be taken by surprise.
  • Change directions.
  • Go in to a public place or an occupied campus building.
  • Call someone to walk with you or check on you when you reach your destination.

Protecting Your Vehicle

  • Roll your windows up when vehicle is unoccupied.
  • Keep your doors locked when vehicle is unoccupied.
  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.
  • Keep all valuables locked in a safe place, not in your vehicle.

Call Campus Police…

Office: 580-387-7314
Cell: 580-371-1140

  • If you or someone else is involved in a motor vehicle accident on campus.
  • If you ever feel that someone has touched you in a way that was inappropriate.
  • If you or someone you know ever feels they have been taken advantage of sexually. We will strive to protect your confidentiality, and will be as sensitive as possible. We will take your accusations very seriously and treat you with dignity.
  • If you are ever frightened and don’t feel comfortable walking to your car, the library, etc. Call us and we will be happy to walk with you.
  • If you see anyone suspicious on campus, trust your gut instincts and call the Campus Police. If it turns out to be nothing, there is absolutely no harm done, BUT your phone call could prevent a criminal offense from occurring.
  • If you receive unwanted or harassing phone calls.
  • If you ever hear an argument in a dorm room or in any other campus building, call the campus police, you could prevent a battery.
  • If you or a friend ever feel threatened by someone, and feel that they could potentially do you harm.
  • If your vehicle is ever burglarized.
  • If your dorm room is ever burglarized.
  • If you ever suspect that any of your property has been stolen.
  • If you suspect drug activity on campus. (You can remain completely anonymous).
  • If you or anyone you have contact with begins to feel despondent or morbidly depressed, call the Campus Police and allow us to check on an individuals welfare.

Tornado Weather

Tornado Siren Will soundIn case of Tornado All resident Housing will proceed to Mckee Hall Basement Level