Learn how to report and resolve issues, including academic complaints, ADA compliance, and more.
Student/Public Concerns Reporting
Murray State College is committed to fostering a safe, positive learning and working environment where all can pursue their career or educational goals and participate in college-sponsored activities. All members of the campus community are provided protection and due process of their individual rights against unfair and improper action. The well-being of all individuals within our community is a significant priority. The following forms can be used to report issues within our community to ensure the above commitment is met. In an emergency situation, call 911.
Student/Community Issue and Concern Form
This form should be used to report issues or concerns, including:
Academic/Faculty Concerns, Campus Safety, Security or Crime, Faculty Proficiency in English, Housing Issues, Personal Concerns (yours or of another student), Student Complaints, Free Speech Complaints, Student Conduct or alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct
Title IX and Discrimination Reporting Form
This form should be used to report all complaints of discrimination, including:
National Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Ethnic Group Identification, Language/Accent Ancestry, Color, Marital Status, Disability (physical or mental), Race, Immigration Status, Gender Identity, Retaliation, Age, Veteran Status, or Medical condition.
Or incidents involving: Stalking, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, or sexual harassment/discrimination. In an emergency situation, call 911.
Academic Integrity Violation Form
Murray State College strictly adheres to upholding the principles of academic integrity while striving to incorporate, assess, and recognize the scholarly excellence of its students. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain the integrity of his/her class-assigned work and to be familiar with what constitutes academic integrity; it is the responsibility of both student and faculty to deal with infractions against this integrity code.
The evaluation of student performance reflected in the final course grade becomes a part of the permanent student record and is recorded on the college transcript for the student. This grade is based upon several specified grading factors identified in the course syllabus. If a student believes those grading methods were not consistently and accurately followed when the faculty member determined the student’s final grade, then they may file a grade appeal. Please review these procedures in the Student Handbook.
Academic Integrity Decision Appeal
A student accused of academic misconduct may choose to appeal the decision of his/her instructor by going to the Vice President of Academic Affairs to rescind the instructor’s decision or for validation of that decision. The student must bring his/her appeal within ten (10) days of the instructor’s decision as announced to the student.
Student Conduct Decision Appeal
In cases where a student has been disciplined for student behavior in or out of the classroom, that is not the overall course grade or academic integrity. This includes suspension from academic programs due to behavior.
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Student Complaints
Students attending Murray State College should pursue concerns directly with Murray State College using the Student Issue and Concerns Form. If Murray State College has responded, but the student disagrees with the response, the student may elect to follow the Murray State College Appeals processes. It is important to examine the processes carefully in an effort to know when the student has exhausted the appeals process.
If the student pursues the complaint using Murray State College's formal complaint/appeal process to the highest possible level and still perceives the concerns have not been adequately addressed, the student may file a complaint against Murray State College with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSHRE).
It is important to note that the student must have exhausted Murray State College's complaint and appeal process before the OSHRE will attempt to help the student identify any possible resolution with the institution.
Out-of-state Online Students (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA)
For out-of-state, online students dissatisfied with Murray State College's determination on their complaint can contact the OSRHE via this link: SARA Student Complaints. Additional information about SARA student complaints can be found here. Please note that this is specifically for out-of-state students. Oklahoma residents, even if attending 100% online, should refer to the "Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Student Complaints" and use the provided link.