Concurrent Students

Maximize your high school experience with Murray State's Concurrent Student opportunities. This program empowers you to earn college credits while completing your high school courses, saving you both time and money.

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Concurrent Eligibility and Policy Information


  1. Have a minimum composite score of 19 on the ACT/PreACT, a 990 on the SAT/PreSAT, or have a high school non-weighted GPA of 3.0.  ACT Composite super scores are not being used at this time.


  1. Qualify for applicable subject area placement using any one of the following measures:
    • Minimum subject area subscore of 19 on the ACT/PreACT
    • Minimum section subscore of 480 in EBRW for English and reading placement or 530 in math for math placement on the SAT/PreACT.
    • Minimum Accuplacer score of 249 for reading placement, 263 for math placement, or 5 on the Writeplacer for English placement. Students may schedule to take the Accuplacer test at

NOTE: High school students may not enroll in zero-level courses designed to remove high school curricular deficiencies.

  1. Be eligible to satisfy requirements for graduation from high school (including curricular requirements for college admission) no later than the spring of the senior year, as stated by the high school principal or counselor.
  2. Have a workload of no more than the equivalent of 19 credit hours in a regular semester (1/2 high school unit equals 3 college semester credit hours) or 6 courses. Tech school programs count at 9 credit hours. Non-academic high school units are excluded from the workload calculation. 
  3. Have the signed permission of the parent/legal guardian and high school counselor or principal.

Homeschooled Student Eligibility

  1. Home schooled students and students from unaccredited high schools must have completed enough high school coursework to be equivalent to an individual who is classified as a junior or senior at an accredited high school.
  2. Must have participated in the ACT or SAT and meet admission and placement criteria using the national ACT or SAT exam scores.

For more information regarding Oklahoma State Policies on Concurrent Enrollment Eligibility please go to OKCOLLEGESTART.ORG.

Getting Started & Documents Needed

The following "Action Steps" are needed prior to a student being admitted for concurrent enrollment with Murray State College.

  1.  APPLY
  2. Visit with your high school counselor to determine how taking collegiate courses will fit into your high school schedule.

  3. Enrollment Packet

Complete ALL forms in the Concurrent Enrollment Packet with all requested signatures.

  • Submit a copy of your Pre-ACT, ACT, or SAT scores if they are not recorded on your high school transcript.
  • Submit a copy of your current high school transcript.
  • Submit a copy of your immunization records if they are not recorded on your high school transcript.

*Please remember that the Concurrent Enrollment Packet and high school transcript must be submitted EVERY semester a student plans to take college courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please review the following frequently asked questions for more information regarding Concurrent Enrollment at Murray State College.

How many credit hours can I take concurrently?

Your high school counselor/principal will help determine the appropriate amount of hours you can take using the Concurrent Enrollment Packet. The State Regents limits students to 19 credit hours per semester combined between their high school and Murray State enrollment. Murray State considers each class taken at the high school as 3 credit hours. This means that if you want to take 2 classes (6 credit hours) with Murray State, you could take no more than 4 classes at your high school.

What college courses should I take and will they transfer?

There are several general education courses at the collegiate level that are required no matter what major you choose. These courses transfer to other colleges and universities, giving students a jump start on their collegiate requirements. Students who plan on transferring outside the state of Oklahoma should work closely with the college/university they plan to transfer to. Below is a list of recommended courses for concurrently enrolled students:

  • English Comp I and/or English Comp II
  • Survey of Math (future Arts and Language Arts Majors)
  • Mathematical Functions and their Uses (future Non-STEM, Business, and Ag Majors)
  • Precalculus (future Algebra for STEM Majors requiring Calculus)
  • US History to 1877 and/or US History Since 1877
  • US Government
  • Introductory Psychology
  • Introductory Sociology
  • Music Appreciation and/or Art Appreciation
  • Humanities I and/or Humanities II
  • Fundamentals of Speech

*Additional courses may be considered depending on a students intended major, where they plan on attending school, and how they might fit into a students semester schedule.

What exactly does the Oklahoma State Tuition waiver cover?

Tuition 100% - Beginning the Summer before Jr or Sr Year

  • High School Seniors: up to 18 College Credit Hours
  • High School Juniors: up to 9 College Credit Hours

*Students will be responsible for books and fees associated with the courses in which they are enrolled

When do I need to pay my bill?

  • All charges due by last day of current semester
  • Concurrent student's balance must be at or below $200 to register for the next semester
  • Any balance from previous semester before the most recent, even less than $200, must be paid in full to register
    • For example: you can not have a balance for Summer and Fall and register for Spring, you must pay Summer in full prior to applying for Spring
  • Contact Business Office at 580-387-7210 or for tuition/fee inquiries or payments

Do I need to apply for concurrent enrollment every semester that I am in high school?

No. However, an updated high school transcript and a Concurrent Enrollment Packet must be submitted each semester a student plans to take college courses. Immunization records and ACT scores do not need to be provided every semester unless something has changed.

Is there an online application fee?


How can I get a copy of my college transcript?

Students can view/print unofficial copies of their Murray  college transcript through their Aggies Online student portal. Students can request an official transcript here. It is important to remember that your balance must be paid in full in order to receive a copy of your official Murray State transcript.