This Application period is for admission into the Class of 2026
This page offers links to the application materials required to apply for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Murray State College. The PTA program application process takes place in the Fall of each year, with all application materials submitted to the program office by the due date of the 3rd Thursday in November. This year, the due date is Thursday, November 21, 2024.
Before accessing the PTA application materials, you should watch the application orientation video. In this video, you will receive instructions for completing the materials and submitting your application.



The video below should be viewed in its entirety prior to submitting the PTA Program application packet.  All applicants will demonstrate that they have viewed this video by answering three questions on the Application Checklist.


Only qualified applicants who have submitted completed application packets by the due date will be considered for admission to the Physical Therapist Assistant Program.

To apply to the Murray State College Physical Therapist Assistant Program, review each item below, complete all required forms, and submit them as instructed in the application orientation video above.

  1. PTA Program Application
  2. Application Checklist 
  3. Points System
  4. Mid-Term Grade Form
  5. Written Interview Form
  6. PTA Physical & Mental Requirements

The program requires a minimum of 16 hours of observation of physical therapy practice with either a PT or PTA.

*It is recommended that each applicant complete all the observation hours they can, up to a maximum of 48 total hours.

All observation hours must be documented on the Clinical Observation form.

Clinical Observation form

This test should be scheduled using the link found on the Murray State College Website in the Academic Resource Center section.

The direct link is:

By scheduling through this link, you will receive reminders and notifications if there are any changes to the schedule.

You must obtain a "Ticket to Test" from the PTA Program office. If you plan to test on the same day, you must secure your "Ticket to Test" from the PTA Program Office and set up the appointment beforehand; however, each student should confirm with the office that they are eligible to take the test.

The final day to take the ATI - TEAS for this application period is November 10th; however, all applicants are strongly encouraged to take the test as soon as possible.